
A versatile, analytical and hard-working IT consultant, with a practical “get the things done right” approach, who always perseveres to achieve the best results. Passionate about the research of solutions. Highly experienced in Companies Workflow Processes, such as management and execution.

  • System Analyst (4 years)
  • Quality Analyst (2 years)
  • Lead Support Technician (2 years)
  • Project Manager (1 year)
  • Accountant Assistant (5 years)

I’ve worked/implemented this listed technologies:

  • Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue (1 year)
  • HTML, CSS, Sass (1,5 years)
  • API Rest/Restful (2 years)
  • Node.js, Next.js (2 years)
  • Docker (2 years)
  • Kubernetes (2 year)
  • Laravel (1.5 year)
  • Linux and Dev Ops (2 years)
  • CI/CD (1 year)
  • AWS/RDS (2 years)
  • Nginx (2 years)
  • MySQL/MariaDB (5 years)
  • MongoDB (2 years)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (4 years)
  • Delphi/Pascal (1.5 years)
  • Scrum (3 years)
  • Figma (1.5 years)
  • Locaweb, Kinghost, Cloudflare, Vercel, Firebase (2 years)
Newm Desenvolvimento Mobile
2021.04 - present
System Analyst
Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil

Experience in this company:

  • Complete system analysis. From initial contact with customers, through time estimate, documentation and infrastructure to knowledge sharing for development team, building the best environment for implementation and time save.
Comprefrota Serviços de Informação [co-working with Estt Brasil and Muito Participações]
2018.09 - 2020.03
Full Stack Developer
Tanabi, Brazil

Experience in this company:

  • SEO improvement and migration to Laravel framework
  • IT consultant support for all companies of the group. I made system analyses for ERP Implementation and AWS Cloud migration.
Legítima Rio Preto Informática
2009.01 - 2012.01
QA Analyst/Support Technician
São José do Rio Preto - SP

Experience in this company:

  • Initially as a support technician, later a Software Quality Department was added, where I worked exclusively for software improvement.
Education and Training
Faeca Dom Bosco de Monte Aprazivel
2010 - 2013 (incomplete)
Bachelor of Administration
2019 - 2020
Responsive Web Design
2019 - 2020
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Scructures
2021 - 2021
Gostack/Ignite React and Node.js Bootcamps

Ever since I learned to read, I have known myself as a curious and self-taught person. I have a critical eye and recognize questions about logic, time, and resources. I believe that the balance of these issues fits perfectly with the wishes of the client and the owner/company.

When I started my IT career, my momentum had an abrupt change, so I needed to earn more and fast; I migrated to another area where I could fulfill my need. While I was solving my own business, I was preparing myself so that in some time I could return to IT. I focused on English and on the friends that continued in IT career. I cultivate these friendships until today, they have been the ones that oriented me again in my life project.

In these brief lines above, 11 years of much experience and intensity have gone by. I visited some Mercosur countries, different cultures, and peoples.

And at the beginning of 2019, I was finally back on track, with a lot of study, effort, and satisfaction. Looking back on these two years, I realize that I learned a lot, and it’s still “a bit” of what I can learn. The information is available. You just have to know how to take it.